Thursday, February 16, 2012

B'day Time


So one more b'day and Valentines Day gone by. There was nothing special on V-Day and it was quite an interesting b'day with my friends. I am learning a lot about best friends now a days, may be come out with some "best friend's code" in near future.

To summarise my b'day, I planned everything not because I enjoy it, I didn't have any other option. I intimated my friends (even my room mate) that tomorrow is my b'day and I would prefer to cut a cake. It ended up I am buying my own cake and some additional cold drinks and snacks. All the cherry on cake vanished much before I cut the cake.

Memorable b'day :-)

Monday, February 6, 2012


The good part of experimentation(at least in photography), not everyone can reproduce it :-)
